THE RETURN OF: "OUT OF THE BEST BOOKS," to KBJA 1640 AM radio, K-Talk, Murray, Utah, USA, Sundays 3-5PM Mountain time, USA. Radio History: DARELL THORPE, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST, on KZZI 1510 AM radio, 1987-88, West Jordan, Utah, USA. Co-host on KTKK 630 AM radio, about 1999-2000, or so. Radio Producer for Mills Crenshaw, on KTKK, about 2011-16, Drive Time Live, The Mills Crenshaw Show. http://www.ktalkmedia.com/
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DARELL THORPE, Radio Talk Show Host, 1987-88 on KZZI 1510 AM RADIO, WEST JORDAN, UTAH USA.
First show: 2-24-2019, Near Death Experiences, Guest Host: Martin Tanner, Host: Darell Thorpe, High lights of Return From Tomorrow & other books on NDEs.
https://soundcloud.com/ktalkmedia/sets/out-of-the-best-books-sundays-3-5pm-mountain-time-ktkk-1640-am-radio https://archive.org/details/OOTBBOOKSSHOW1MARTINTANNERDARELLTHORPENDES2242019 |
2nd show: 3-3-2019, Prophecies in Light of the Testimony of History, (Part 1), Host: Darell Thorpe, Guest Host: Martin Tanner. The prophecy of the Prophet Joseph Smith about the USA's constitution hanging by a thread was explored. Also, a time line of the rise of the New World Order, One World Government & those who seek different Union States in a World Union. How many of those seeking Global Governance, are also seeking to do away with different nations' sovereignty, including USA's. If so, then the USA's constitution would & is hanging by a thread! Also on this site. Restored Gospel Evidences blog has articles as documentation for this series. See these articles too! This one. This second. This third. This fourth.
3rd Show: Part 2 of Prophecies in Light of the Testimony of History, Part 2 explores other prophecies & especially the one in the Book of Mormon, Ether 8:25 about secret combinations, how that if they should flourish, as they now seemed to be, could bring "to pass the destruction of all people," through the depopulation, population reduction ideologies of those seeking to reduce carbon foot-printers, or carbon exhaling humans population down to "more manageable" levels, 1/2 a billion people. Other prophecies are considered too, such as the one Joseph gave about the Civil War, as one major war in the coming wars that from America & during the 1800s, would spread out throughout the world, with WW1 & WW2, etc. There are no ads in this documentary, or callers yet, those will be added later, & here it is in this link, on the Cloud with K-Talk's collections on the Cloud site.
First hour documentary commentary, up on the Cloud: https://soundcloud.com/ktalkmedia/ootbb-3-10-19-prophecies-in-light-of-the-testimony-of-history-2-darell-t-martin-tanner
Full 3rd show, another link to it on The Internet Archives, includes 1st hour documentary, 2nd hour commentaries between Martin Tanner & Darell Thorpe, plus additional clarifications in response to a caller, plus more, for Part 2 of Prophecies in Light of the Testimony of History. See further documentation for show here in this link. See my book, only in PDF file, of Corpirates (1 & 2 volumes in 1), by writing for a PDF file copy, after paying through Paypal $50.00 to darellthorpeOOTBB19@gmail.com, or writing me for other ways of payment to same e-mail.
Fourth Show: 3-17-2019, Sunday, 3-5 PM Mountain Time, USA, Murray Utah, on KBJA 1640 AM radio, the new K-Talk. Show: "Out of the Best Books," Part 1 of: Preexistence, Pre-birth Experiences & NDEs. Host: Darell Thorpe, Guest: Sarah Hinze. We talked about experiences that parents have had with the spirits of their yet to become physical family members, who are waiting to come down from heaven to be born into the physical world. Also, we covered the preexistence in early to later Christian history, art works, earlier bibles before 1611 King James Bible. Later lore & legends, such as how the storks go to get the water babies, spirits of the unborn, from the clouds & marsh areas. How goblins, some fairies, trolls, dwarfs & other underground folk, are, according to legends and lore, were consider to be some of the races of the fallen angels that fell down from heaven into the lakes, rivers, oceans, wooded areas, & underground. Two areas of the web where this show & a collection of other shows, an interview with Sarah Hinze, & shows with Mills Crenshaw & Martin Tanner can be found.
(Darell Thorpe, 5-27-2018. The Fallen Angels of Later Lore! In later Christian legends & lore & art works, the fallen angels are depicted as morphing into swarms of insects, black birds, & other creatures that fell down into the lakes, rivers, streams, oceans, woods, caves, & deep places of the earth, there to haunt & tempt the human family, after as pre-mortal spirits in a family in heaven, they (we), would descend from heaven to be born into each our own individual physical body).
(Art: Darell Thorpe, 1017-2018, The Fall of the Dragon into the Underworld, & the Battle in Heaven & Fall of Other Rebel Angels of Later Christian Lore).
Show 5, Part 2 of The Preexistence. Aired on KBJA 1640 AM radio, K-Talk, Out of the Best Books, airs Sundays, 3-5 PM Mountain Time, Murray, Utah, USA. Exploring a time line of the early Christian doctrine in a preexistence of souls. How it was later rejected in some areas, preserved in art works & earlier pre-1611 Bible in other areas. How the beliefs became later legends & preexistence lore.
SHOW 6, 3-31-2019, entitled: "Are They For the Children, As They Claim They Are." First hour, documentary commentary about the corrupting & infiltration of the educational system, & how different teachers started to present their own agendas, & indoctrinate, rather than teach useful to real life skills. Alex Newman, writer for The New American, continued on discussing the different problems in the school systems & the corrupting of the youth through the globalist ideologies about the New World Order, & Carbon footing, or Climate Change issues being taught.
SHOW 7, 4-7-2019, entitled: https://soundcloud.com/ktalkmedia/ootbb-3-17-2019-show-7-response-to-critics?in=ktalkmedia/sets/out-of-the-best-books-sundays-3-5pm-mountain-time-ktkk-1640-am-radio ANSWERING ANTI-MORMON ISSUES WITH EARLY CHRISTIAN ANSWERS. Answering anti-Mormons' Issues are like How Early Christians Answered Early anti-Christians! First hour thus is a compact fast pace documentary that explores how the early anti-Christians vilified the early Christians with different claims & charges. What they were accused of despite the many good things early Christians did. A section on symbolism also answers the on going misinterpretations of symbols often used by ancient & modern critics to vilify the different groups they despise or hate. Other issues are covered, such as the early anti-Christian charge that Christ neglected other nations, answered by early Christians, as that he didn't! This was because he preexisted, descended into hell to preach there too, & preach the gospel during his world wide treks to other nations. Van Hale of Mormon Miscellaneous, 5-7PM, joined Darell in the 2nd hour. Mainly talking about a couple anti-Mormon issues, with answers. Such as the vilification tactics, shocking generalizations: "The Jesus of Mormonism is the Spirit Brother of Satan!" Answers to this issue explored. Also the claims that the New Testament only teaches "saved by grace alone." How doing good works, being obedient to God, & living a Christ like life is the obvious point of the New Testament, when read fully. Plus, when not read by selective passages on "grace," at the exclusion of many other passages on works & being good.
SHOW 8: "Out of the Best Books" 4-14-2019, Show 8, MORE ON THE VILIFICATION OF RELIGIOUS SYMBOLISMS. In show 7, 4-7-2019, I did a fast pace, compacted documentary on: ANSWERING ANTI-MORMON ISSUES WITH EARLY CHRISTIAN ANSWERS. In this follow up show, I explained more about the points that I made, presented more details about my intentions for the documentary. During which I present a section about how the critics' own symbols that they used, if misinterpreted like they do, with their own symbols, could make themselves sound occultic! Plus, sound or appear to be just as conspiratorial, evil, nasty & up to no good, as they try to make the ones, or groups they don't like, or hate, to sound as allegedly being bad. Thus, to further clarify, & give further commentaries on this, & symbolism, the first hour goes back & presents again the section on symbolism, with more comments, clarifications, sources & more.
Other Archived Shows: https://archive.org/details/@darell_thorpe
Old Blog, many links might no longer work, but a lot of information here: http://drivetimelivearchivespromossources.blogspot.com/
Books on Line by Darell Thorpe: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Darell+Thorpe&i=stripbooks&qid=1550458373&ref=sr_pg_1
Old archived web site, link out of date to other sites, but a lot of rough draft articles:
Older blogs, most links no longer work, but good information on it: http://restoredgospelevidences.blogspot.com/
You Tube documentaries: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSgART-3ReHBznsPkKBcx1w9MclZP4D2O
3rd Show: Part 2 of Prophecies in Light of the Testimony of History, Part 2 explores other prophecies & especially the one in the Book of Mormon, Ether 8:25 about secret combinations, how that if they should flourish, as they now seemed to be, could bring "to pass the destruction of all people," through the depopulation, population reduction ideologies of those seeking to reduce carbon foot-printers, or carbon exhaling humans population down to "more manageable" levels, 1/2 a billion people. Other prophecies are considered too, such as the one Joseph gave about the Civil War, as one major war in the coming wars that from America & during the 1800s, would spread out throughout the world, with WW1 & WW2, etc. There are no ads in this documentary, or callers yet, those will be added later, & here it is in this link, on the Cloud with K-Talk's collections on the Cloud site.
First hour documentary commentary, up on the Cloud: https://soundcloud.com/ktalkmedia/ootbb-3-10-19-prophecies-in-light-of-the-testimony-of-history-2-darell-t-martin-tanner
Full 3rd show, another link to it on The Internet Archives, includes 1st hour documentary, 2nd hour commentaries between Martin Tanner & Darell Thorpe, plus additional clarifications in response to a caller, plus more, for Part 2 of Prophecies in Light of the Testimony of History. See further documentation for show here in this link. See my book, only in PDF file, of Corpirates (1 & 2 volumes in 1), by writing for a PDF file copy, after paying through Paypal $50.00 to darellthorpeOOTBB19@gmail.com, or writing me for other ways of payment to same e-mail.
Fourth Show: 3-17-2019, Sunday, 3-5 PM Mountain Time, USA, Murray Utah, on KBJA 1640 AM radio, the new K-Talk. Show: "Out of the Best Books," Part 1 of: Preexistence, Pre-birth Experiences & NDEs. Host: Darell Thorpe, Guest: Sarah Hinze. We talked about experiences that parents have had with the spirits of their yet to become physical family members, who are waiting to come down from heaven to be born into the physical world. Also, we covered the preexistence in early to later Christian history, art works, earlier bibles before 1611 King James Bible. Later lore & legends, such as how the storks go to get the water babies, spirits of the unborn, from the clouds & marsh areas. How goblins, some fairies, trolls, dwarfs & other underground folk, are, according to legends and lore, were consider to be some of the races of the fallen angels that fell down from heaven into the lakes, rivers, oceans, wooded areas, & underground. Two areas of the web where this show & a collection of other shows, an interview with Sarah Hinze, & shows with Mills Crenshaw & Martin Tanner can be found.
(Darell Thorpe, 5-27-2018. The Fallen Angels of Later Lore! In later Christian legends & lore & art works, the fallen angels are depicted as morphing into swarms of insects, black birds, & other creatures that fell down into the lakes, rivers, streams, oceans, woods, caves, & deep places of the earth, there to haunt & tempt the human family, after as pre-mortal spirits in a family in heaven, they (we), would descend from heaven to be born into each our own individual physical body).
Also: After Sarah & I talked about her books, there follows a collection of radio shows & interviews about the Pre-existence. Topics: Evidences for the Pre-existence of souls in a life before life as spirits in a family in heaven. As found in Pre-birth experiences, near death experiences, ancient documents, early Christian writings, art works, early anti-Christian polemics. How the Council of Constantinople 553 AD rejected Origen's version of the pre-existence. Plus, references to art works that depicted it in early to later Christianity, earlier bible illustrations of it, and later legends, mystery plays, & even later movies that mention it. Guests: Sarah Hinze, author of "Life Before Life, A Collection of Mother's Experiences with their pre-born children," & Darell Thorpe, author of "The Pre-existence: Our Pre-earth Life as Spirits In A Family in Heaven," guests on then KTKK 630 AM radio, K-Talk, South Jordan Utah, USA, 8-15-1993, host, Martin Tanner, Religion on the Line. Then on 8-4-2011, Sandy Utah area, at a book conference, Darell Thorpe interviewed Sarah Hinze. Then, on KTKK, Drive Time Live, The Mills Crenshaw show, hosted by Mill Crenshaw, produced by Darell Thorpe, 12-16-2011 SARAH HINZE as guest, talking about her book: WAITING IN THE WINGS. Then, 1-23-2013 on KTKK, Sarah Hinze, Susan Freeman, author of "Through the Window of Life," & Darell Thorpe, guests on with Mills. Presented here for educational purposes, & historical preservation intent. Darell was Mills Crenshaw's producer, & got permission from him to archive his shows. Martin Tanner has been a co-host guest on Out of the Best Books, see first two shows.
(Art: Darell Thorpe, 1017-2018, The Fall of the Dragon into the Underworld, & the Battle in Heaven & Fall of Other Rebel Angels of Later Christian Lore).
Show 5, Part 2 of The Preexistence. Aired on KBJA 1640 AM radio, K-Talk, Out of the Best Books, airs Sundays, 3-5 PM Mountain Time, Murray, Utah, USA. Exploring a time line of the early Christian doctrine in a preexistence of souls. How it was later rejected in some areas, preserved in art works & earlier pre-1611 Bible in other areas. How the beliefs became later legends & preexistence lore.
SHOW 6, 3-31-2019, entitled: "Are They For the Children, As They Claim They Are." First hour, documentary commentary about the corrupting & infiltration of the educational system, & how different teachers started to present their own agendas, & indoctrinate, rather than teach useful to real life skills. Alex Newman, writer for The New American, continued on discussing the different problems in the school systems & the corrupting of the youth through the globalist ideologies about the New World Order, & Carbon footing, or Climate Change issues being taught.
SHOW 7, 4-7-2019, entitled: https://soundcloud.com/ktalkmedia/ootbb-3-17-2019-show-7-response-to-critics?in=ktalkmedia/sets/out-of-the-best-books-sundays-3-5pm-mountain-time-ktkk-1640-am-radio ANSWERING ANTI-MORMON ISSUES WITH EARLY CHRISTIAN ANSWERS. Answering anti-Mormons' Issues are like How Early Christians Answered Early anti-Christians! First hour thus is a compact fast pace documentary that explores how the early anti-Christians vilified the early Christians with different claims & charges. What they were accused of despite the many good things early Christians did. A section on symbolism also answers the on going misinterpretations of symbols often used by ancient & modern critics to vilify the different groups they despise or hate. Other issues are covered, such as the early anti-Christian charge that Christ neglected other nations, answered by early Christians, as that he didn't! This was because he preexisted, descended into hell to preach there too, & preach the gospel during his world wide treks to other nations. Van Hale of Mormon Miscellaneous, 5-7PM, joined Darell in the 2nd hour. Mainly talking about a couple anti-Mormon issues, with answers. Such as the vilification tactics, shocking generalizations: "The Jesus of Mormonism is the Spirit Brother of Satan!" Answers to this issue explored. Also the claims that the New Testament only teaches "saved by grace alone." How doing good works, being obedient to God, & living a Christ like life is the obvious point of the New Testament, when read fully. Plus, when not read by selective passages on "grace," at the exclusion of many other passages on works & being good.
SHOW 8: "Out of the Best Books" 4-14-2019, Show 8, MORE ON THE VILIFICATION OF RELIGIOUS SYMBOLISMS. In show 7, 4-7-2019, I did a fast pace, compacted documentary on: ANSWERING ANTI-MORMON ISSUES WITH EARLY CHRISTIAN ANSWERS. In this follow up show, I explained more about the points that I made, presented more details about my intentions for the documentary. During which I present a section about how the critics' own symbols that they used, if misinterpreted like they do, with their own symbols, could make themselves sound occultic! Plus, sound or appear to be just as conspiratorial, evil, nasty & up to no good, as they try to make the ones, or groups they don't like, or hate, to sound as allegedly being bad. Thus, to further clarify, & give further commentaries on this, & symbolism, the first hour goes back & presents again the section on symbolism, with more comments, clarifications, sources & more.
SHOW 9: Out Of The Best Books, airs on Sundays, 3-5PM Mountain Time, on KBJA 1640 AM radio, the new K-Talk, Murray Utah USA, 4-21-2019, Show 9: EASTER SYMBOLISMS OF THE RESURRECTION IN HISTORIC CHRISTENDOM.
Symbols of the resurrection in early to later Christianity, the hand & wrist grasping in Christ lifting souls up by the hands or wrists, in resurrecting them out of the spirit prison, hades, limbo, purgatory, etc. The white garment as a type of resurrection, the later custom being Whitesunday, Whitsuntide, Whitsunday. Easter's customs of giving new clothing going back to these earlier symbols and ritualistic types. Like how the spirit is clothed in a body, the body is clothed ritualistically in a white baptismal robe, or clothed in white as souls ascend out of their graves.
Other Archived Shows: https://archive.org/details/@darell_thorpe
Mills Crenshaw passed away in 2016 & efforts are being made by Darell to archive his old shows:
Old Blog, many links might no longer work, but a lot of information here: http://drivetimelivearchivespromossources.blogspot.com/
Books on Line by Darell Thorpe: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Darell+Thorpe&i=stripbooks&qid=1550458373&ref=sr_pg_1
Old archived web site, link out of date to other sites, but a lot of rough draft articles:
Older blogs, most links no longer work, but good information on it: http://restoredgospelevidences.blogspot.com/
You Tube documentaries: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSgART-3ReHBznsPkKBcx1w9MclZP4D2O
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Read the new: UNCHAINED DRAGON, series in the works |